The subject line:
Tracking N 3825340502
Unfortunately we were not able to deliver postal package you sent on July the 25 in time because the recipient’s address is not correct.
Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office.
Attachment file name:
Warning: Don't open any .zip files you receive out of the ether. It is a good idea to never open a .zip file because it can unleash a self extracting virus or trojan file in your computer.
If you are expecting a .zip file from a trusted source ask them to rename file extension as a .zit or something similar and when you receive the file you can rename it back to the .zip and open it.
Do you know anyone who owns a Maytag Neptune front loader washing machine? If so, please send them to Thank you.
I drove to Pennsylvania last Thursday, August 14, 2008. I will tell you why in a later post. I will hint that was regarding the Tony Tool bearing tool kit for the Maytag Neptune front loader that will save Neptune owners about $750.00 on the bearing repair! Check back for the details!
Until next time...
I just got this one too. I did a search for and yours was the only result I found. Thanks for the heads up!