Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tony Tool substitute?

One of my customers who rented the Tony Tool offered a suggestion for the PVC knock out plug. He smashed his fingers using the PVC knock out plug because it is too short for his liking. It turns out he made a new front bearing knockout tool using 1 1/2 pipe and fitting. He even sent the contraption back with the tony tool kit so I took a photo of it compared to the Tony Tool knock out plug. 

It looks like it has about 2 more inches to work with. Who says bigger isn't better? I was surprised because this is the first complaint I've received for this tool kit. Everyone else praised the tool kit and how much time it saved them. 

If your Maytag Neptune is starting to squeal while in high speed spin I would recommend replacing your bearings as soon as you can. You want to catch them before they separate which makes the bearings much more difficult to get out because the Tony Tool relies on the inner bearing race to pull it out. 

To purchase the Neptune bearings, seal kit and Tony Tool rental point your browser to

If you have not replaced your door latch wax motor yet you need to check out to see if your Neptune is affected by this defective part that will run $450.00 to repair if you bother the lonely ole' Neptune repair guy!

Until next time...

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