Monday, January 26, 2009


Hi Neptuners,

Here is a problem a Neptune owner had in the blogosphere yesterday,

Q: "I have this washer that it would not spin. I put in the Maytag Neptune Washer R11 and Q6 kit and a new wax motor. I got the machine to spin. but I do not think it went up to a full speed.

Now after I put it all back together and went to do a load of laundery the washer will not FILL there is no 120 voltage to eather hot or cold valves. If you turn the timer you can get it to spit water out if the valve. If you put the timer in the normal cycle , the timer will advance with out pushing the start button. Then it will stop when it gets to the first Rinse cycle then it stop. I can get 120 voltage to the bleach water valve.

The door lock light will not come on and it will not spin now. I thought I heard a small pop? So is the upper control board bad and a long with the timer ? please email me back Thanks. "

Here was the response:
A. "The timer should be fine--- it gets the power from the board, that upper machine control board is deffinately bad unfortunately-- you will need to replace it, it runs about 220 dollars.Here is a place you can order the control board from if you like."

Here is my response:

I hope this was not one of my customers that purchased the R11 and Q6 (Stage 1) and did not ask me about the machine's operation after the R11 & Q6 surgery. Yes, a few control boards out of 100 will have to be replaced even after performing the R11 & Q6 replacement because more damaged was done to the control board.

The other thing I would like to mention is that I offer replacement control boards for folks who purchase my Neptune no spin repair kit and the repair does not work for only $159.00! Not $220 as the first answer responded. See to see more Neptune replacement parts.

I guess the moral of the story here is if you purchase my STAGE 1 Maytag Neptune repair kit plus wax motor please contact me if you have any performance issues after performing the R11 and Q6 surgery.

Have a great day!

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