Monday, June 1, 2009

It looks like the Neptune Bearing Song votes are in...

Here is the song update:

It looks like the Neptune Bearing Song was Pretty Good according to your votes.

We only had one not impressed?

This particular song is on the site if you would like to hear it again...

There is another song in the works for the site which is for Neptune service technicians. It is where they can purchase the Neptune Bearing Tool (Tony Tool) and bearings in bulk. If you talk to any technicians that suggest to you that you cannot change the bearings, send them there and educate them...

Don't forget when your Neptune Bearings start singin' and a screamin' you can replace your Neptune bearings and save lots of money!


  1. Hi,


    Are you still selling the wax motor repair kit (with the triac and resistor included)?


  2. Hi Keith,

    Yes, the sales of the Maytag Neptune Q6 & R11 repair kit are still going strong aftrt more than three years!

    The next issue you may encounter is the bearings going bad. I put together a Neptune bearing and seal kit for all you Neptuners to save you lots of cash.

    See for details plus I rent the awesome Tony Tool which, by the way, is available for purchase on my site for Neptune technicians and Laundromat owners to buy along with bulk bearing and seal kits.

  3. Thanks, Jeff.

    I purchased and installed (without problem) the excellent Q6 and R11 repair kit.

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kit, the quick response to the purchase on ebay, and the clear directions on your blog site.

    Thanks so much. I can't say I look forward to my bearings going out, but if they do, I know where to come first.
