Thursday, June 11, 2009

Maytag Washer Update - Fatal Friday for Analog TV

Hi Neptuners,

Well, the time has come to kill the analog tv signal...

Friday, June 12th is the last day for the analog television broadcasting and you can bet that there will be confusion when folks' non-digital tvs won't work anymore. If you remember, we were going to lose the analog signal back in February, 2009 but the government decided to extend the switch off for 4 more months due to folks not being prepared for the switch over.

At least until they purchase the digital tv converter box which will receive the digital transmission and converter it to channel 3 or 4 like the VCRs and DVD players do. You can get a coupon for $40 off which makes the box like $10.00.

Can you remember back when color tv sets were added... At least your black and white set still worked with the new color signal because the engineers made them compatible without upgrading the black and white receivers. With the new digital transition, it was impossible to make an analog tv receive and decode the digital signals without any hardware upgrades. The low-cost converter box was the only solution.

Otherwise, if you have a cable box then you will be good to go and probably are enjoying the digital tv already.

If you own a Maytag washer, specifically the Neptune Front Loader please check out before the faulty door latch wax motor kills your washer... If you proactively replace the door latch wax motor, part number 12002535, then you can prevent the failure from happening in the first place. We can't make your Neptune go digital but we can keep it running longer!

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