Wednesday, September 9, 2009

IRS Warning Emails and other computer hazzards...

Hi Neptuners,

You know better than to click on links in unexpected emails.... right?

If the IRS sends you an email don't click on the link... I recieved an email today and if you click on it you will be whisked away to a site that will undoubtedly feed your computer a virus or trojan.

And a reminder – it is best to avoid opening .zip files you receive in emails. A lot of times these will appear to come from UPS, DHL or FedEx with a note about a package that could not be delivered. The .zip file contains an executable attachment which will infect your PC. Companies will not send notices to customers in .zip files.

Finally, and most important (and thus, in bold and in red) – if you go to a website or click a link or open an attachment (or you’re just sitting there minding your own business) and a notice pops up on your screen that says something like “Warning! Your computer is infected” – it might be accompanied by an animation showing a scan and an increasing number of threats – DON’T CLICK ANYTHING. Clicking the graphic may download malware to your PC (even clicking the X that typically shuts down a window).

Things you can do are:

· Press and hold the ALT button and tap F4 to close all open windows until the computer shuts down. (You’ll hold the ALT button down the whole time.)

· If you know pressing your power button briefly shuts your PC off, you can do that instead. (Sometimes this puts a computer into hibernation mode – typically, in computers that came with XP or newer installed, its shuts them down.)

· If the network cable is easy to get to you could unplug it before the ALT-F4 step.

· If the ALT-F4 and power button items don’t work, press the power button in until the computer shuts down.

Good luck and keep your computer safe...

Keep your Maytag Neptune safe as well... See for Neptune information.

Until next time...

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