Hi Neptuners,
It appears that we have hit a limit on where my Maytag Neptune bearing and seal kit can be used...
I just had a customer who had a MAH8700AWW and he rented the Tony Tool to change his screaming bearings. Well, it turns out that the MAH8700 is completely different from the MAH7500 and below. After looking at the machine's drawings it looks alot like the Kenmore Elite front loaders inside. Guess what? I have a site for Elite Bearings and seal as well.
I plan on putting together a bearing and seal kit for the MAH8700 next and will add it to the site. The drawback is that the Tony Tool rental will not be applicable to this machine.
If you have a Neptune MAH8700 and need bearings and seal please contact me and I will get you set up.
I guess the good news is that the newer Neptunes don't have the faulty 12002535 door latch wax motor anymore...
until next time...