Color Changing Doorbell
A few years ago I started a project where I was interested in modifying my doorbell button. It seemed to me that the light bulb in the lighted doorbell buttons burned out too often and I desired to utilize an RGB LED because they last much longer than a bulb. I played with a circuit board design that would fit into the standard rectangle shaped doorbell button. But I put the project aside due to the Maytag Neptune business that I was running was taking off. By the way, if you have a Maytag Neptune washer then see to see if you have the faulty door latch wax motor.
I dragged the project back out recently since surface mount technology is so popular in the electronics industry I decided to incorporate some into the new doorbell design. I also decided to make the color changing doorbell button a kit that anyone with a soldering iron can put together to learn about surface mount electronics. Lighted doorbells are a way to add a cool look to your home and the color changing ones are even cooler.
I now have the color changing LED incorporated into the doorbell as a kit and as a complete assembly.
See lighted doorbell button for more information.
I’m also working on developing lighted doorbell buttons that will have a solid color as well.In the future I'll create some new posts rergarding the requirements of the unique doorbell buttons. The general rule is... if you already have a lighted doorbell button then you can replace it with the color change doorbell. Another requirement is that it has to run on an electric doorbell... not a battery/wireless one because it would drain the battery rather quickly.
Very nice and helpful information has been given in this article. I like the way you explain the things. Keep posting. Thanks..pcb assembly ,Printed Circuit Board