Sunday, March 13, 2022

Side Hustle Marketing Ideas for you

Hi there, I'm putting together a list for my "Side Hustle Marketing Ideas" category. I plan to have PDF's and videos on common and unique ways for you to market your side hustle. 

This particular 40 page PDF specializes in Blogging Secrets. Realize that blogging is where I got started with this blog when I started offering Neptune STAGE 1 and Wax Motor repair kits as well as the Neptune Bearing and Seal Kits as well as other washer bearing and seal kits,,. Note that I still offer these kits!

If you have a side hustle I can recommend blogging as a great method to get leads... This PDF is a great example of how to collect leads by allowing a number of pages to be viewed, in this case 10 pages, you can set the number of viewable pages with this cool PDF viewer.


Jeff Hartman

Friday, March 4, 2022

Maytag Neptune Front Load Washer Information for when replacing bearings and other troubleshooting ideas...

 Here is a document I created to help Neptuners repair their Maytag Neptune front load washers... It includes QR links to access help videos for when you're replacing your bearings and tub seal. It also has other helpful like where to purchase the replacement Neptune spacer that goes between the bearings. 

You can check out the first couple of pages...