Valuable Maytag Neptune front loader washer Information for you to help your machine last longer and provide better performance. You can repair your Neptune and save money... You will also discover some other cool information on here as well for folks who are doing side hustles and more. Check back often!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Maytag Neptune repair - door latch wax motor
Maytag Neptune Repair
I just finished a new video that shows how to replace the door latch wax motor in the maytag neptune door latch. Here is the Neptune Wax Motor Video link.
If you have a Maytag Neptune front loader with a timer knob you will want to inspect your wax motor and make sure it has a black actuator pin. If it has the brownish color actuator pin then you will want to replace it as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that if you have a MAH3000 model with the serial number starting with a 10 thru 25 then you will have two more wax motors in the soap dispenser. These control the bleach and softener flows.
See Neptune help for more valuable Neptune front loader information.
I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^