Saturday, April 24, 2010

Maytag Neptune 6500 burns seal

Maytag Neptune repair:

Another Neptuner needs help... Here is a question from a Neptuner that was pulled from the blogosphere...

Q: Last night, I washed some clothes with two pillows. It seems that the pillows were rubbing against the seal? (The plastic thing next to the door) and now that the seal has a hole. There is great but I will not wash until you know if that is really bad (maybe the water can get in there). Also, I think because of that the washer was making a really loud noise near the end of the cycle.

A: If the bearings are going out you can replace them. See Neptune Bearing for more info. You can also rent a special tool kit, too. Usually, the machine will start to sound like a jet taking off when in the high speed spin cycle.

If you call a tech and the bearings need attention, they will ask for $900 to replace the outer tub, unless they are a tech that owns the Neptune Bearing Tony Tool from Neptune Kits then you might get the bearings replaced for $200 or so.

It is also possible the spinner support has an issue and is causing the inner tub to wobble which can rub the plastic liner. Contact me and I can get you a new spinner support which comes with the new seal.

Until next time...

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