Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Washer Displaying Eb1 or E61 Error Code

I recently had a client where their Kenmore washer, model 417.44082400, was displaying the E61 error code. It turned out that I could not find an E61 code so we decided it was the EB1 code instead. Note: There are a number of washers that use this same code...
The EB1 code means incoming power frequency out of limits. It is unlikely that your 120vac 60hz is out of frequency limits unless you are running on a generator because the power company closely monitors the frequency of the power you receive.
Currently the only thing to do is replace the control board. Check HERE for your replacement board. I would like to look at some bad circuit boards to see what may be causing the eb1 error code when the AC power is actually good.
Below is what your control board may look like…
eb1 error code kenmore washer

Let me know if you had the eb1 error code and if you fixed it by replacing your control board.

Jeff Hartman
“The Neptune Man”

P.S.S. Let me show you how to offer your solutions to the Internet community and help others! See my www.washerbearings.com/training series.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

F35 Error - Whirlpool Duet - Kenmore Elite - Maytag Epic Front Load Washers

Are you getting the F35 Error and SUD Error messages? If you are you 
can now determine if it is the analog pressure sensor , or APS, or the 
CCU causing the error. In addition you can now repair your APS and CCU 
control module which will get you up a running in 99% of the cases without
an expensive service call.

See F35 Error FAQ for videos that show you how to use 
a voltmeter to take some measurements and from those measurements
you can determine if the APS or CCU is messing you up. All you need 
are basic hand tool and a soldering iron to make the repairs. Go visit the 
site now since the smelly clothes are piling up really quick!

There's more... If you're washer is sounding like a jet plane you will
want to replace your tub bearings and seal as soon as possible and 
save another service call. See www.washerbearings.com for more 
information on how you can replace your tub seal and bearings.

Jeff Hartman

Friday, September 11, 2015

F21 Error – Kenmore Elite HE3T Steam Washer – What to do

See http://www.f35error.com  If you’re also experiencing F35 and SUD errors. Watch video below for F21 Error messages...

I recently experienced an F21 Error on my Kenmore Elite HE3T Steam and here’s what I did. The F21 error indicates that the water is not pumping out quickly enough or in my case… not at all. First of all you will have to get the water out of the machine and I show you a clever way in the video. I will also show you how to determine if your pump is the culprit. Enjoy!

If your washer sounds like a freight train check out http://www.washerbearings.com for information on how to replace your bearings and seal and save a ton of money! For other replacement appliance parts see www.washerbearings.com/parts

Let me know if you have experienced the F21 error in the comments below.

Jeff Hartman

“The Neptune Man”

Friday, August 14, 2015

F35 Error - Better Way to Check Pressure Sensor Hose

www.f35error.com - Here is a video I created for you to save you time when diagnosing your F35 and SUD error codes.

One of the components you will need to check is the pressure hose to make sure it does not have a hole in it. In this video I will show you how to check it for holes without even looking at it so you don't have to pull washer from wall and remove all those screws and the back panel. You want to save time and effort... See video below for details...

Don't forget to leave your comments below...

Jeff Hartman
"The Neptune Man"

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Kenmore Electric range 790.92804012 oven quit working

Here is a video I created for you to show how I repaired a Kenmore 790 series electric range where the oven was not heating up properly.


Check out my www.F35Error.com page if your Kenmore Elite, Whirlpool Duet or Maytag Epic front load washer is giving you the F35 and SUD error.

Let me know if you have experienced this failure in the comments below.

 Jeff Hartman
"The Neptune Man"

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Kenmore Elite HE3T APS – Analog Pressure Sensor Test With 5V Power Supply

http://www.F35Error.com – If you’re experiencing the F35 and SUD error code on your Whirlpool Duet, Kenmore Elite or Maytag front load washer then you will want to test your W10415587 water level sensor, or APS to see if it is the cause of error codes. Here's how you do it using a 5 volt power supply, test clips and multi-meter.

If you discover that your W10415587 APS has a low output reading don’t buy a new $100 pressure sensor… You can repair it with my kit. The only thing you will need to know is if it is a surface mount (SMT) pressure sensor or a through hole (HT) pressure sensor and order my repair kit. See http://www.F35Error.com for the analog pressure repair (APS) kit.
Don’t forget I offer replacement bearing and seal kit for these machines at myhttp://www.washerbearings.com page. Don’t replace the rear tub. Replace your bearings and seal and save big time!
Leave your comments and analog pressure sensor experiences below!

Jeff Hartman
“The Neptune Man”

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Maytag Neptune Washer Not Spinning - What to Check

If you have a Maytag Neptune front load washer and it is not spinning fast or at all you could have a number of different issues. Let's take a look...

First, you need to verify the door is locking.

If you have a Neptune with timer knob and your machine has the first symptom I would check the door latch wax motor. The original MAH3000, MAH4000, MAH5500A and some 2000 stackers shipped with a faulty wax motor and when it fails it damages the machine control board and your washer will not spin because the door won’t lock anymore. See www.neptunehelpsong.com for a video that explains the faulty brown tipped wax motor better. I have Q6 R11 repair kits at my www.neptunehelp.com where you can repair your machine control board by replacing 2 components and the door latch wax motor

Second, you need to know if the inner basket is just rotating back and forth slowly and not even attempting to ramp up.
If you have the door locked light on and you hear the machine attempt to ramp up to 90 rpms, stop, rotate back and forth some and then attempt to ramp up again thus repeating the cycle and never getting up to full speed spin then you have an issue with the balance circuit.

The Balance Circuit:
There are 3 inertia switches in a series loop that normally are closed. If one of these switches open up (or a wire comes off) the machine will reach 90 rpms, stop, tumble back and forth a few times and then attempt to ramp up again thus repeating this pattern and never getting up to full spin cycle speed.

The most common cause of this issue is the switch located at the bottom of the large tub in front. What happens is this switch gets bumped when washing a large heavy load of laundry. Usually, to reset the switch you can wiggle the plunger and it helps to have an ohmmeter to measure if it is closed or low impedance. 

If that does not work then you can inspect for a loose wire that connects all of the switches together. If you look at your electrical diagram you will see most of the balance circuit wires are blue.

Next, the other 2 inertia switches rarely go bad but it is possible. What you can try is jumpering each one out and test washer again and if it spins up to full speed then you found the culprit.

Third, do you hear the drive motor growling when it is turning the inner stainless steel basket?

If your drive motor is growling then you more than likely have a failing motor drive control board which is located on the right side near the floor. What happens is one of the three phases fail and that only energizes two phases of the motor which electrically unbalances the motor and the motor will have less torque available. I would carefully unplug all of the wire connectors on the motor control board and the upper machine control board and re-seat them. This process will sometimes help because connectors can become oxidized which can make bad electrical connections and the wiping action will clean them. If that does not help then you will need to see the troubleshooting guide for tests you can run to help diagnose a motor or motor control board issue. You can goto www.washerbearings.com/parts  for ordering any replacement appliance parts.

I hope this was helpful.

Leave any comments or symptoms you have in the comments below.

Jeff Hartman
“The Neptune Man”