Showing posts with label 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2008. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2008

daylight savings time change 2008

I almost forgot to put in the reminder to change your time pieces back one hour... 

Every year I get reminded how many time pieces we have in our homes now. Why do we need so many clocks? I see them on the wall, watches, VCR's / DVD players, security systems, microwaves, ranges, alarm clock radios, fax machines, telephones / answering machines, mp3 players, weather stations, vehicle clocks... 

Wow! Luckily, there are some clocks that update themselves such as cable/satellite boxes, GPS receivers, cell/smart phones, computers, etc. 

At least your Maytag Neptune front loader does not have a clock on it... 

For all of your Maytag Neptune needs check out to see if your Neptune has the defective door latch wax motor that will fail and cost you $450 if you bother the lonely Maytag repair guy. I will show you how to take care of this costly issue and save!

Until next time...