Here is how to determine when your Neptune was born:
1980 --E --March
1981 --G --April
1982 --J --May
1983 --L --June
1984 --N --July
1985 --P --August
1986 --R --Sept.
1987 --T --Oct.
1988 --V --Nov.
1989 --X --Dec.
1990 --B --January
1991 --D --February
1992 --F --March
1993 --H --April
1994 --K --May
1995 --M --June
1996 --Q --July
1997 --S --August
1998 --U --Sept.
1999 --W --Oct.
2000 --Y --Nov.
2001 --Z --Dec.
2002 --A --January
2003 --C --February
2004 --E --March
2005 --G --April
2006 --J --May
2007 --L --June
Example serial number: 15154872UY
15114672UY - UY is the date code. The first letter is the year - U = 1998. The second letter is the month - Y = November. This appliance was made November of 1998.
First letter is the year, second letter is the month.
Check out for tips on helping your Maytag Neptune Live a productive and long life...
Until next time...