I just got back from vacation Tuesday morning where I enjoyed a week in Florida. We stayed at the http://www.thepelican.com/, a two bedroom condo on New Smryna Beach. It was in the 80's when we arrived on Sunday, April 5th :>). My wife's uncle owns a condo there and ours was next to his. We had a great time! All of the balconies face the beach and ocean for a great view.
We also visited the http://www.ponceinlet.org/ Ponce Inlet Lighthouse on Wednesday. It was a nice site to visit and we climbled the 203 steps to the top. It was very windy that day.
Here I am with my little ones and in-laws...
In addition, I spent alot of beach and pool time in the sun Friday, Saturday and Sunday and yes I used lots of sunscreen... We also drove on the beach in our Town & Country van. I saw a couple of cars get stuck in the sand in front of our condo so I was concerned about the van getting stuck but we did'nt get stuck. The kids had a ball driving up and down the beach with the side doors open!
Bummer, I got a $101.00 citiation, too :>( .... I'm innocent I tell ya!
No, it was not for speeding. I will explain in a later post.
Don't worry, I had 2 people helping me back in Ohio ship the Maytag Neptune 12002535 wax motor repair kits, Neptune Bearing & Seal Kits and the Neptune Bearing Tool rentals while I was out.
I hear that there is another Neptune song in the works... To hear the first Neptune song go to http://www.neptunehelpsong.com/.
Until next time...