Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the plumber

Hey Joe, If you need some more work opportunities I could show you how to fix Maytag Neptune front loaders. 

The Maytag repair man does not seem lonely these days... The main issue is the door latch wax motor. This device will short out and damage the upper machine control board. I'm trying to locate Maytag Neptune owners to educate them on this issue. 

Every MAH3000, MAH4000, MAH5500A and the 2000 stacker Neptune shipped will fail unless this device is replaced. Once you have this failure your door will not lock and this prevents the high speed spin from happening. When you open the door you will have sopping wet clothes! Again, this can be prevented by replacing the 12002535 wax motor. See for details. 

Now, as the Neptunes age, the seals are wearing which allows water to get to the bearings. You can get the bearing and seal kit along with the tony tool rental so you can save $750 and keep your machine running another 5 - 10 years. I know money is tight for Neptune owners so I developed this kit to save them money by not purchasing a new washer and dryer. See for details.

Until next time...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Does anyone know where to get the repair kit with resistors and wax motor that people are talking about?"

I hear this question alot! Yep... goto to purchase the Maytag Neptune control board repair kit + wax motor. 

Don't forget when your Neptune starts to squeal in high speed spin it is time to replace your bearings and seal kit. Save $800 and do it yourself! 

See to order the bearing & seal kit. If you are not a mechanic you can use the revolutionary tony tool to replace the bearings. The tool kit rental is also offered with the new bearings and seal kit, too! Check it out!

Until next time...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Maytag Neptune repair Question I received

Hi Neptuners, here is an actual question I received after Noe replaced the R11 resistor and Q6 triac. Most control boards will work after this process but occasionally one will be stubborn because it suffered mode damage than usual. If you find that your water will not fill then you will need to replace the machine control board. 

"Hi, I replaced the wax motor, R11, and Q6 for the no light no spin symptom. My Neptune MAH3000 still will not spin. Any troubleshooting hits where else to look? Thanks, Noe" 

Hi Noe, I was working on developing this information so folks can check their control boards out after the R11/Q6 repair with a simple ohmmeter. If you have an ohmmeter, check for continuity on the following points: 

If wax motor does not energize - i.e. door locked light does not come on in spin cycle. (note: Wax motor takes 45 seconds to work) 1. Connector P7.4 to pin 3 of Q6 - should be close to 0 ohms 2. Q6 pin 1 to Q22 pin 1 - should be close to 0 ohms 3. Q6 pin 1 to Q3 pin 1 - should be close to 0 ohms 4. Q6 pin 2 to C16 (lead closest to P7 connector) If you don't read close to 0 ohms on any of these checks turn board over and follow the copper tracks and find out why you don't have 0 ohms. 

You might have the use the repair wire to fix a break in a track. Tip: Some breaks can be right next to the component pads and can be very difficult to see. A meter is important to locate these breaks. 

Note: pin 1 on the Q's is looking at the flat side the very left pin. Pin 2 is center pin and pin three is the far right pin when looking at the flat side. If all of these checks show a short and the Neptune fills with water when started then the low cost Stage 2 kit should fix your control board. 

See order form to order the STAGE 2 kit. Jeff

Until next time...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tony Tool substitute?

One of my customers who rented the Tony Tool offered a suggestion for the PVC knock out plug. He smashed his fingers using the PVC knock out plug because it is too short for his liking. It turns out he made a new front bearing knockout tool using 1 1/2 pipe and fitting. He even sent the contraption back with the tony tool kit so I took a photo of it compared to the Tony Tool knock out plug. 

It looks like it has about 2 more inches to work with. Who says bigger isn't better? I was surprised because this is the first complaint I've received for this tool kit. Everyone else praised the tool kit and how much time it saved them. 

If your Maytag Neptune is starting to squeal while in high speed spin I would recommend replacing your bearings as soon as you can. You want to catch them before they separate which makes the bearings much more difficult to get out because the Tony Tool relies on the inner bearing race to pull it out. 

To purchase the Neptune bearings, seal kit and Tony Tool rental point your browser to

If you have not replaced your door latch wax motor yet you need to check out to see if your Neptune is affected by this defective part that will run $450.00 to repair if you bother the lonely ole' Neptune repair guy!

Until next time...

Friday, October 3, 2008

steve jobs heart attack?

I heard this was not true... Where do these reports come from? Anyway.... If you own (or know of anyone who owns) a Maytag Neptune front load washer please check out for important reliability information that could cost you $450.00 to repair. It involves the defective 12002535 door latch wax motor that can be replaced and prevent the machine control board failure. 

See for information that could save you $900 when your Neptune bearing starts to fail. There is even a effort and time saving tool kit you can rent to reduce the bearing replacement time considerably. When your machine sounds like a jet taking off in spin cycle then it is time to replace the bearings and 12002022 seal kit.

Until next time...

team sarah - Does anyone in Team Sarah own a Maytag Neptune?

Does anyone know if anyone in team Sarah owns a Maytag Nepune front load washer? If so, please tell them to stop by for important information regarding the reliability of their Neptune.

Until next time...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Beware of 'You have received A Hallmark E-Card!'

If you receive this email don't open because it will try to install a virus on your computer. Here is what mine basically looked like...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello! You have received a Hallmark E-Card.To see it, click here, There's something special about that E-Card feeling. We invite you to make a friend's day and send one. Hope to see you soon,Your friends at Hallmark Your privacy is our priority. Click the "Privacy and Security" link at the bottom of this E-mail to view our policy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

The 'here' hyperlink was a link to a site and it has an hallmark.gif.exe file that it will automatically download to your computer. 

I changed the 'here' to so folks would not click on it and install something bad for your computer. Be carefull when clicking on links in emails you recieve from strangers and even friends. If you run your mouse over the link a small text string should appear that shows what the hyperlink is on most Internet browsers. 

If you have a Maytag Neptune front loader and it gets a virus or declines in performance check out for help.

Until next time...